
The Moment You Realize You Need Help in Your Marriage


Are you dealing with any of this?
1. You may feel like your partner isn’t listening to you or understanding your feelings.
2. You may feel like you’re always the one giving and never receiving.
3. Your partner may not be meeting your needs emotionally or physically.

“So one of my favorite leadership teachers, Jim Rohn, taught small errors in judgment over a period of time will result in accumulated disaster.”

I used to love running. I would go out every day and explore new routes. But after a while, I started to notice some pain in my right hip. I thought it was just muscle soreness at first, but it didn’t go away. I saw a general practice doctor and they said everything was fine, but after a few weeks I knew something was really wrong. I ended up going to an orthopedic specialist and they told me I had a serious fracture in my hip. I had to have surgery and it was a really long recovery process. I think this is a really good illustration of what can happen in a marriage relationship. Small fractures can grow and cause real damage if they’re not addressed.

In this episode you will learn: 1. How small errors in judgment can accumulate into disaster in a marriage relationship 2. How  ignoring ongoing pain in a marriage relationship can lead to larger problems 3. What are some signs that there may be a stress fracture in a marriage relationship

Marriage Reboot Discovery Call

For Discussion:
1. Is there something right now in your marriage that has the potential to create disconnection or a break in your relationship?
2. What action can each of you do to address the concern?
3. Is there an opportunity for you to invite help into the situation, and if so who would that be?

Other episodes you’ll enjoy:
Episode 6: The Gap Between the Event and the Response
Episode 2: Shifting Gears for Communication

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James IG: @thejamesduvall
Lisa IG: @lisaduvall
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About James & Lisa

James and Lisa Duvall share truths and lessons learned from their 29 years of marriage and over a decade of teaching, coaching, and speaking on marriage.